Title: download Barron’s Visual Dictionary: French: For Home, Business, and Travel
By PONS Editorial Team
Publisher: Barrons Educational Series
Year: 2015
Format: EPUB
Pages: 400
The size: 80.8 Mb
Language: English
Travelers, students, and lovers of language will find this little visual dictionary to be indispensable. Small enough to slip into a purse or satchel, it includes thousands of common words identified by pictures and defined bilingually. Barron’s Visual Dictionary: French features approximately 15,000 words and concepts sorted into 13 clearly formatted and color-coded categories. Color-coded page headers make it quick and easy to find words in each category, from people, food, and communication, to education, leisure, and sports. This book also features:
3,000 full-color pictures that provide helpful visualization for instant recognition
Helpful vocabulary boxes throughout to expand on abstract terms not covered by the pictures
A bilingual index for quick and easy reference