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Critical Thinking for Helping Professionals: A Skills-Based Workbook, 4th Edition

Critical Thinking for Helping Professionals: A Skills-Based Workbook, 4th Edition

By: Eileen Gambrill, Leonard Gibbs

Critical thinking values, skills, and knowledge are integral to evidence-based practice in the helping professions. Inflated claims of knowledge, both in the media as well as in the peer-reviewed literature, show critical thinking to be ever more important to decrease the influence of
marketing in the guise of scholarship. Practitioners must be able and willing to think critically about decisions that affect clients’ lives. This requires minimizing the influence of cognitive and affective biases, such as hindsight bias, and avoiding misleading framing of problems that may harm
clients but contribute to the profit of involved industries (e.g. ignoring environmental sources of distress and focusing on client characteristics). This book continues to focus on engaging students as active participants in exercises designed to hone their critical thinking skills, drawing on
related research and theory in a variety of related areas, including judgement and decision making. Exercises are included to help students enhance their skills in the process of evidence-based practice, including posing clear, relevant questions and locating and critically appraising related
research. This fourth edition of Critical Thinking for Helping Professionals is for students of helping professions including social work, nursing, counseling, and psychology. Decision-making skills guided by an ethical compass are vital in all helping professions.


