Author:Alice L. McLean |Edition 2015 | ISBN: 978-0313341441 | 204 Pages | PDF|1.9 MB
Covering topics ranging from the establishment of the Gulf Coast shrimping industry in 1800s to the Korean taco truck craze in the present day, this book explores the widespread contributions of Asian Americans to U.S. food culture.
• Describes Chinese American, Japanese American, Korean American, Filipino American, and Vietnamese American food cultures
• Introduces many of the major contributions Asian Americans have made to the American culinary landscape through a historical overview of Asian immigration to the United States and an examination of the rise of Asian-owned restaurants, markets, groceries, and packaged food companies
• Details the cooking techniques, ingredients, dishes, and styles of dining that Asian Americans have introduced to the United States
• Supplies a chronology, resource guide, selected bibliography, and illustrations to complement the text