Dictionary of Chess Composition (Slovar shakhmatnoi kompozitsii)
By Nikolai Zelepukin
Russian | Zdorovya | 1982 | ISBN: N/A | PDF | 206 pages | 11.5 mb
scanned to PDF by gnv64.
The dictionary concisely explains the concepts and terms of chess composition – the history, theory, organization of events, printing, drawing, solutions and so on. And also a summary of the most important chess Composers and the largest masters who left their mark in chess composition. All entries are in alphabetical order, the compositions are explained with abundant diagrams (about 315 diagrams).
Though I have a sizeable collection of Russian chess books from the 80’s, I have not scanned them because of the language problem. However I decided to scan yhis one because I found that there were no English books on this subject nor this one was translated into English. I have OCRed the book in Russian, so you can copy text material & paste it in any translation site like Google translate and try your luck!
If the response is good, I shall think of scanning some of the other Russian chess books that I have…