The Oxford Handbook of English Grammar

Edited by: Bas Aarts, Jill Bowie, and Gergana Popova This handbook provides an authoritative, critical survey of current research and knowledge in the grammar of the English language. Following an introduction from the editors, the volume’s expert contributors explore a range of core topics in English grammar, beginning...

Philosophy in Reality: A New Book of Changes

By: Joseph E. Brenner, Abir U. Igamberdiev Philosophy in Reality offers a new vision of the relation between science and philosophy in the framework of a non-propositional logic of real processes, grounded in the physics of the real world. This logical system is based on the work of...

The Psychology of Reading

By: Keith Rayner, Alexander Pollatsek The last 20 years have witnessed a revolution in reading research. Cognitive psychologists, using high-speed computers to aid in the collection and analysis of data, have developed tools that have begun to answer questions that were previously thought unanswerable. These tools allow for...

Everyday Grammar

by John Seely This approach to grammar comes in two parts: the first section consists of a practical guide on how to understand and use grammar successfully, and the second is an extensive A-Z glossary of grammatical terms. It is ideal for both language students and anyone wanting...

Developing Reading Skills: A Practical Guide to Reading Comprehension Exercises

by Françoise Grellet The book describes and arranges different kinds of The book describes and arranges different kinds of reading comprehension exercises. The different exercises given in the book are mentioned as examples .. The different exercises given in the book are mentioned as examples . Download

Doing Applied Linguistics: Enabling Transdisciplinary Communication

Edited by: Daniel Perrin and Ulla Kleinberger How can students be empowered to communicate professionally – as translators, journalists and CCOs? How can professionals engaged in crucial language interactions do the same – pilots, nurses, lawyers and many others? This volume gives answers to these questions, providing insights...

Translation Criticism-The Potentials and Limitations: Categories and Criteria for Translation Quality Assessment

by Katharina Reiss Katharina Reiss’s now classic contribution to Translation Studies, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Übersetzungskritik: Kategorien und Kriteren für eine sachgerechte Beurteilung von Übersetzungen, first appeared in 1971. This is the first English translation of this major work, allowing students and practitioners of translation in the English-speaking...
