The Ultimate Brain-Boosting Toolkit

The Ultimate Brain-Boosting Toolkit is a compelling collection of more than 450 brain-boosting and brain-busting puzzles that will keep you and your family entertained and fascinated for hours! This book brings you puzzles that both develop and train your analytical and logical skills, along with a multitude of...

Skills for Success: Personal Development and Employability

Now in its fourth edition, this indispensable guide helps students to create their own personal development programme and build the skills and capabilities today’s employers want. Step by step, it takes students from the initial stages of setting goals and defining success through to the application process for...

Playing with Words: Humour in the English Language

Humour permeates our lives. People tell jokes, make puns, and engage in witty banter. There is written humour in headlines and captions, in ads, on signs, t-shirts, and bumper stickers, and in the form of graffiti. Nowadays humour is available on the web and circulated by e-mail. Playing...

Never Stop Learning: Stay Relevant, Reinvent Yourself, and Thrive

Keep learning, or risk becoming irrelevant. It’s a truism in today’s economy: the only constant is change. Technological automation is making jobs less routine and more cognitively challenging. Globalization means you’re competing with workers around the world. Simultaneously, the internet and other communication technologies have radically increased the...

Grammar, usage, and mechanics – Language Skills Practice | Fourth Course

The worksheets in the GRAMMAR, USAGE, and MECHANICS workbook provide practice, reinforcement, and extension for Chapters 1–15 of Elements of Language, Introductory Course. Most of the worksheets you will find in this workbook are traditional worksheets providing practice and reinforcement activities on every rule and on all major...

The Big Ten of Grammar

Have you ever hesitated when choosing between “I” or “me”? Have you had trouble figuring out tricky pronouns like “who” or “whom”? What about those always-troublesome commas–do they go before or after the quotation marks? If you’re anything like the rest of us, you struggle with these age-old...
