La linguistique en cour de justice

Auteur Claude Tousignant Cet ouvrage intéressera le spécialiste en droit criminel ou civil, en notariat ou en criminologie à l’affût des plus récentes technologies d’élucidation de litiges juridiques; il suscitera également de l’intérêt chez le spécialiste de la langue, de la linguistique et de la sociolinguistique avide de...

Introduction à la linguistique contemporaine

auteurs; Jacques Moeschler               Antoine Auchlin La linguistique est la discipline qui a eu le plus d’influence sur le développement des sciences humaines au 20e siècle, bien que son importance ait diminué au cours de ces dernières décennies, de parl’émergence de paradigmes...

Conversation: From Description to Pedagogy

By: Scott Thornbury and Diana Slade This book provides a comprehensive account of conversation in English and its implications for the ELT classroom. After a general overview and definition of conversation it provides the reader with a systematic description of conversational English, from the vocabulary of conversation, to...

Manual of Clinical Phonetics

Edited by: Martin J. Ball This comprehensive collection equips readers with a state-of-the-art description of clinical phonetics and a practical guide on how to employ phonetic techniques in disordered speech analysis. Divided into four sections, the manual covers the foundations of phonetics, sociophonetic variation and its clinical application,...

Writing Systems and Phonetics

By: Alan Cruttenden Writing Systems and Phonetics provides students with a critical understanding of the writing systems of the world. Beginning by exploring the spelling of English, including how it arose and how it works today, the book goes on to address over 60 major languages from around...

Dictionnaire des sciences du langage

de Franck Neveu Ce dictionnaire terminologique vise à refléter un état de la discipline des sciences du langage observable à partir des pratiques terminographiques effectives des linguistes. Un millier d’entrées sont ici regroupées, touchant à la philosophie du langage, à l’épistémologie, à l’informatique, aux sciences cognitives, à l’histoire...

Just A Phrase I’m Going Through: My Life in Language

by David Crystal Kidnapping, attempted assassination, espionage … not the answers you’d expect to the question ‘what happens when you become a linguist?’ But now, reflecting on a long and hugely successful career at the forefront of the field of English Language and Linguistics, David Crystal answers this...

Common American Phrases in Everyday Contexts

by Richard Spears In this new edition of Common American Phrases in Everyday Contexts, noted lexicographer Richard A. Spears shares with you 1,900 of the most common phrases and colloquial expressions used in contemporary American English. Here you will discover the greetings, good-byes, and everyday small talk that Americans...
