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My Book of Phonics Pattern (1000 Words)

This remarkable and resourceful book of phonetic patterns provides a unique way for both parents and teachers to assist their preschool children build their skills in the learning of phonics at an early age. The book offers a wide range of learning matters by introducing 1000 words which...

Grammar of Spoken and Written English

The completely redesigned Grammar of Spoken and Written English is a comprehensive corpus-based reference grammar. GSWE describes the structural characteristics of grammatical constructions in English, as do other reference grammars. But GSWE is unique in that it gives equal attention to describing the patterns of language use for...

An Introduction to English Grammar, 4th Edition

By: Gerald Nelson, Sidney Greenbaum An Introduction to English Grammar provides a comprehensive overview of all aspects of English grammar. The first part of the book (‘The Grammar’) provides a step-by-step introduction to the key topics in English grammar. The second part (‘The Applications’) shows how a grasp...

Reading Adventures | Level: 3 (pdf+audio)

by Carmella Lieske, Scott Menking Reading Adventures is a three-level reading series which teaches both the language and knowledge learners need to fully participate in today’s global community. Using carefully adapted National Geographic text, images, and video, Reading Adventures develops both learners’ understanding of the wider world in...

Introducing Phonetic Science

AUTHORS: Michael Ashby and John Maidment This accessible textbook provides a clear and practical introduction to phonetics, the study of speech. Assuming no prior knowledge of the topic, it introduces students to the fundamental concepts in phonetic science, and equips them with the essential skills needed for recognizing,...
