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Vocabulary For Dummies (2011)

by Laurie E. Rozakis Have an interest in words? From the meaning of prefixes and suffixes to word origins and trivia, this book can help you build your vocabulary  Someone just called you captious. Should you be flattered? Considering your extreme lactose intolerance, is it a good idea to order veau au béchamel from a French menu? Calumny is to slander as...

Discourse and Practice – New Tools for Critical Discourse Analysis

by Theo van Leeuwen Adding a new introduction and two previously unpublished papers, Discourse and Practice: New Tools for Critical Discourse Analysis brings together van Leeuwen’s methodological work on discourse analysis of the last 15 years. Discourse, van Leeuwen argues, is a resource for representation, a knowledge about...

An Introduction to Discourse Analysis: Theory and Method (2014)

by James Paul Gee Discourse analysis considers how language, both spoken and written, enacts social and cultural perspectives and identities. Assuming no prior knowledge of linguistics, An Introduction to Discourse Analysis examines the field and presents James Paul Gee’s unique integrated approach which incorporates both a theory of...

An Introduction to Critical Discourse Analysis in Education (2011)

Edited By Rebecca Rogers Accessible yet theoretically rich, this landmark text introduces key concepts and issues in critical discourse analysis and situates these within the field of educational research. The book invites readers to consider the theories and methods of three major traditions in critical discourse studies –...
