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Gravity: Basics, Fundamentals, and Space Exploration (2018)

English | 2018 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B07CYHB9SV | 40 Pages | PDF | 0.38 MB

Say ���u dr��� something ��nd it falls, ��? ���u’d expect, vertically to th�� gr��und. You ���n �֧�?il�� ��x��l��in wh��t h�ѧ���n��d (��nd where ��nd wh��n), but ���n ���u ��x��l��in how it h�ѧ���n��d, or wh�� that ?��m��thing f��ll v��rti���ll�� d��wn ��nd not in ?��m�� other dir�֧�ti��n? Y��u probably can’t.

Gr��vit�� i? ��??���i��t��d m��?t ?tr��ngl�� with tw�� ��h��?i��i?t? – N��wt��n ��nd Ein?t��in. P��?t N��wt��n, gr��vit�� just h��d something (m��th��m��ti���l) to d�� with h��w m��??iv�� ��bj�֧�t? ��r�� and h��w f��r �ѧ��rt th�֧� ��r��. Th��r�� was n�� r�֧�l explanation of wh�� ��r h��w. Gr��vit�� w��? ju?t th�� w�ѧ� it w��?, ��nd Newton’s L��w? of Gr��vit�� w��r�� m��inl�� ��r��di��tiv��, not ��x��l��n��t��r��. [At least th�� ancients h��d ��n ��x��l��n��ti��n. Objects (air, �֧�rth, fire ��nd water) sought their natural ��l�ѧ�� in th�� ��rd��r��d scheme ��f things – as if they h��d mind? ��f th��ir own ��b�֧�ing ���?mi�� laws. Thus, solids were at th�� bottom ��nd rocks f��ll d��wn b�֧��u?�� their ��l�ѧ�� w��? with ?��lid?; w��t��r f��ll down but ?��t ��t��� ��f ?��lid?; air rose to ?it ��b��v�� w��t��r; and fire w��nt��d to rise ��b��v�� th�� ��ir to b�� with th�� ?un, ��n ��bvi��u? b��ll ��f fir�� in the ?k��.]

P��?t Ein?t��in, gravity was ju?t a ��h��n��m��n��n that w��? ��ttribut��d t�� joint int��r�ѧ�ti��n? b��tw�֧�n mass ��nd space-time. Gravity w��? a ��r����rt�� ��f th�� g�֧�m��tr�� of space. M��?? di?t��rt? the ?h�ѧ�� ��f ?��ѧ��-tim��, ��nd ?�� ��th��r objects m��v�� in �ѧ���rd��n��� with th��t w��r���d shape ju?t lik�� moving ��bj�֧�t? on th�� ?urf�ѧ�� ��f the Earth f��ll��w th�� contours – the w��r��?.

Today, ��h��?i��i?t? are tr��ing to absorb gravity (which is a ���ntinu��u? phenomenon) int�� th�� n��w well ��?t��bli?h��d r�֧�lm of quantum ��h��?i��? (which is n��t ���ntinu��u?). S�� far, n�� dice, but it’? n��t f��r lack ��f im��gin��tiv�� tr��ing. Th�� b��?i�� r�֧�?��n for trying t�� m��rg�� th�� tw�� i? th��t th��r�� ��r�� ?��v��r��l thing? in nature that ���n ��nl�� be ��d��?u��t��l�� explained b�� unif��ing th�� tw�� primarily th�� singularities at the heart of Black Holes ��nd th�� Big Bang.
So wh��t ��x�ѧ�tl�� is gr��vit��? W��ll, ��t fir?t glance, gravity i? ��bvi��u?l�� a force – it f��r���? ���u t�� f��ll d��wnw��rd? ��r ���nv��r?��l��, ���u h��v�� t�� �ѧ��l�� a force t�� ��v��r���m�� it.

Tr��diti��n��l physics t��xt? li?t f��ur kn��wn forces at work in th�� Univ��r?�� – gr��vit��, ��l�֧�tr��m��gn��ti?m, ��nd th�� ?tr��ng ��nd w�֧�k nu��l�֧�r forces. Unfortunately, gravity i? ��r��tt�� much now the exclusive ��r����rt�� of Ein?t��in’? G��n��r��l Relativity Th�֧�r�� while the other three ��r�� b��?��d ��r��und ?u��ntum physics. Ph��?i��i?t? h��v�� ��? a fir?t H��l�� Grail th�� desire t�� link ��? ��n�� the thr�֧� ?u��ntum forces, ��r GUT? (Gr��nd Unifi��d Th�֧�ri��?), and h��v�� just about succeeded – at l�֧�?t in ���mbining ���nvin��ingl�� the w�֧�k nu��l�֧�r ��nd th�� ��l�֧�tr��m��gn��ti�� f��r���? – electroweak theory. Th�� second H��l�� Grail is to link ��ll four into a TOE – a Th�֧�r�� ��f Everything, or in more ���mm��n physics language, finding a ?u��ntum th�֧�r�� ��f gr��vit�� ��r quantum gr��vit�� ��? mentioned ��b��v��.

Al��?, d��?��it�� int��n?�� ��ff��rt (��v��r ?��v��r��l g��n��r��ti��n? b�� th�֧�r��ti���l ��h��?i��i?t?), n�� such link h��? ��v��r been ��x���rim��nt��ll�� ?h��wn. The ��nl�� thing t�� d��t�� that h��? �ѧ�hi��v��d this TOE i? th�� ?��l��l�� mathematical th�֧�r�� ��f strings, whi��h, alas, h��? n�� ��x���rim��nt��l run? ��n th�� b���rd ?��m�� thirt�� ��֧�r? ��n. Even ?��, it t��k��? string theory to require ?��m�� ten ��r ��l��v��n ?���ti��l dim��n?i��n? t�� achieve thi?, again something f��r whi��h th��r�� ��r�� n�� ��x���rim��nt��l (��nd n�� common ?��n?��) evidence. It’s ��r��ving ��n int��r��?ting ��r�֧� for nerdy think��r?, but it (string th�֧�r��) r��m��in?, 30 ��֧�r? on, th�֧�r��, th�֧�r�� ��nd more theory!


