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IELTS Speaking, The Most Comprehensive Guide, Pre-Intermediate

IELTS Speaking, The Most Comprehensive Guide, Pre-Intermediate

by Michael Charles Thorp

As an IELTS examiner and teacher for over 20 years, I feel that most of the IELTS speaking test study materials are woefully inadequate. They don’t prepare students with enough useful vocabulary, vocabulary exercises, speaking practice, and detailed practice structures and examples that can best enable them to attain a band score 6 or 7 or higher. The Kite Boy IELTS speaking series of books (Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Advanced, and All in One) aims to rectify all that by providing the most comprehensive guide to the IELTS speaking test.The Pre-intermediate book includes:•38 different part 1 + 2 topics and key vocabulary•1000+ vocabulary exercises•300+ practice questions, with model answers and suggested structures•8 different types of part 1 questions, and 22 different ways of answering them.Specific aims of the bookIt is to provide useful vocabulary, highlight ways of answering the different questions, with model answers and lots of practice questions, so students can feel confident about how to do well in the IELTS speaking test.


