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Download: Stan Deyo – The Cosmic Conspiracy

Download: Stan Deyo - The Cosmic Conspiracy

1998 | ISBN: 0908477058 | English | 256 Pages | PDF | 18 MB

An URGENT revelation concerning the developing “Alien/UFO” situation is the main thrust of this edition. It is a warning which MUST be read for your own survival!�� The book also unveils the “Gray Project” from the original “Majestic 12” group and discusses the group which just recently took the power away from them. It uses many new photos and images to explain what is about to happen to the people of Earth with special emphasis on the use of HUGE craft over our major cities��..
As part of this discussion, a unique, scientific approach to the truth of the “Face on Mars” issue is given. A more plausible and practical explanation for the event (sans alien culture) and technology is developed. Many people seem to be entranced by the popular hypothesis that the face is a sign of an ancient, technologically advanced, Martian civilization which even pre-dated mankind itself. This edition warns of the use of this whole “face on Mars” farce as a softening item for the public announcement of alien cultures here on earth in our immediate future.


