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Download: Easy Endgame Strategies

Download: Easy Endgame Strategies

Publisher: Cardoza | 2003 | ISBN: 1580421105 Pages | PDF | 19,6 MB

This book combines Robertie’s 2 earlier Endgame Strategies books (one on Rooks and Queens, and the other one on Minor Pieces). So you get 2 short books for the price of one at a price lower than most beginner/intermediate endgame books- in fact it is more than the total pages of the 2 previous books put together so is even better value with more content.

It is a “pageturner” and a quick read but that’s not necessarily a bad thing for those who want beginner/intermediate strategies with a minimum of fuss. And with around 300 pages there is quite some meat despite it being a quick and easy read.

If you are an advanced player it’s probably not for you as it doesn’t go into more complex stategies. For example the more difficult checkmates using knights (which are the rarest anyway) are very briefly glossed over and not adequately explained. This is probably because Robertie was a SPEED chess champion and probably didn’t have much time in his career games to use longer knight checkmates. However this itself is also probably the reason why the book is so good at simply explaining fast easy strategies.

If you want to get a simple handle on how to checkmate effectively then this “fast food” book will get you there quickly with a minimum of fuss. Lots of board diagrams and plain English explanations make it easier to follow straight from the book than more advanced books which assume you can hold in your head multiple moves with fewer board diagrams. Even better place the piece moves from Robertie’s book using the Chessmaster program and follow every single move.



