In this book, you will find a thousand games designed to help children
develop and reinforce their emergent literacy skills, in both
basic phonetic awareness and sight word recognition. As
your students play these games, they will gain proficiency in
identifying letters and sounds, consonants and short and long
vowels, words that rhyme, and words both related and
opposite in meaning. They will also have valuable practice in reading and vocabulary
building. Incidentally, in developing these games I kept in mind the needs of children
learning English as a second or foreign language.
The games, for the most part, are variations of favorite childhood games children
play purely for recreational purposes. For example, Simon Says becomes Read-the-
Message Simon Says, a game in which “Simon Says” and the commands are displayed
as written words that children have to read. Go Fish concentrates on blends. The game
Tic–Tac-Toe is used to help children practice reading the days of the week and the
months of the year.