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Bioterrorism Preparedness (2006)

2006 | 275 Pages | ISBN: 3527312358 | PDF | 2 MB

Meeting the acute need for a book determining the crucial elements of bioterrorism preparedness, this is a global perspective on the history and current concepts on bioterrorism, integrating the scientific, medicinal, public health and health policy strategies. The first three chapters of the book provide a historical perspective and an overview of management of all categories of potential bioterrorism agents including special issues related to the care of children. Chapters four to nine provide a thorough discussion on all Category A bioterrorism agents. The last two chapters are devoted to priorities, policies and legal issues. This invaluable reference work?also discusses the role of the World Health Organization and International Health regulations for bioterrorism preparedness. The volume?contains information relevant to healthcare providers including Infection Control practitioners, microbiologists, epidemiologists, biotechnologists, public health agencies and pharmaceutical agencies.


